Free 15 Minute Consultation

Finally heal your chronic gut health challenges with an innovative approach that actually gets you to the root cause!

Free 45 Minute Strategy Session!

"...diagnosed with prediabeties/diabetic. A new diet being the hardest, most emotional task I have ever experienced. Courtney guided and helped me accomplish a healthy, thriving body full of energy."

" interest in my life to living again! And I'm off my anxiety medication I took for over 10 years!"

"My body is finally letting go of brain fog, vertigo, fatigue, constant headaches, sinus issues and weight issues."


You’re about to strut away from your chronic health issues like you’re on a catwalk with 10 security guys behind you.


Welcome to a heal-the-root, fast tracked, secret weapon, science-based, concoction of corrective healing with a sprinkle of colorful language and humor…


Because let’s be honest, you’re health has been NOTHING but pure torture, and just straight up terrifying.

Start Improving Your Gut Health TODAY!

Free Gut Health Grocery Guide

Say hello to the best grocery list to start guiding you on your gut health journey! No need to Google or constantly research what foods are most beneficial for your gut...I have it all right here for you!

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It can bring even the strongest human to tears and to your knees...

thinking about how trapped you feel in the fatigue, the migraines, the digestive issues, the fog, the pain…the diagnosis your doctor’s keep throwing at you just to give you an “answer” they aren’t even sure about…

The endless doctor’s visits with test after test with zero reassurance and a HUGE bill, the elimination diets that didn’t fix your food sensitivities, the exercise programs that threw out your back leaving you even more exhausted, and the weeding through healthy recipes on Pinterest like your life depended on it…

Has left you feeling even more run down than you already were and your “give a sh*t meter” is on “E.”

Add that on top of the chronic fatigue, make-you-vomit-migraines, never ending body pains, food sensitivities leaving you with only lettuce you can eat, menstrual problems that make you want to rip your uterus out, brain fog making you feel like you’re a star in Dazed & Confused, and digestive issues that are not only embarrassing…but debilitating.

Fun right?

Your whole body feels SO sluggish and your new normal is calling in sick to work, half listening to your kid talk about the lives of koalas, isolating because people are draining the f*ck out of you.

And praying to any and all the Gods that you’re in bed by 7 pm…ok for real, 6:30 pm.

You know deep down…something is missing.

After all the money, time, supplements, medications, tests…you just know a puzzle piece is missing.


A half-assed zombie mode where you do life on “empty” isn’t what you pictured, and you know deep down something is off.

Like, REALLY off in your body.

 And healing what’s going on…it's MORE than working on: your gut health, taking a prescription, taking some vitamin D, E, & C supplements, taking a few saunas a week, downing some celery juice, taking a probiotic (is it even working?), or a castor oil pack here and there…

And its MORE than just being seen or labeled as that Lyme's, IBS/Crohn’s, arthritis, chronic fatigue, EBV, mold illness, POTS, infertility, etc. patient.

It’s MORE than that.

And you deserve more than that.

I can help you get to the more.  And I can help you with a specialized approach that’s effective and long lasting that doesn’t involve ANOTHER prescription, blood test, diagnosis or label, or appointment you don’t have time for with still no answers!

And quicker than if you were doing this, all on your own.

Tootles to the torture, tears and tired, my friend!

What would it be like to finally get to the root of the years of health issues? 

It’s like someone gave you this horrible f*cking onesie that you can’t get off. 

And you’ve been ripping and tearing to get this thing off for years. So you can finally just breathe, feel comfortable in your body, and feel the weight lift. 

And just imagine finally having YOU back.

The you that sings loud in the car and dances with your weiner dog?

How would it feel to finally
not have a heavy cloud of brain fog and fatigue?

To finally not curl up in the fetal position with cramps and bloating?

To not have to call in to work for another damn migraine?

To not be scared to leave your home because you don’t know how your body is going to react today?

Just cruising down the highway, wind in your hair, throwing your puke bags out the window (oops…maybe don’t litter).

And to finally feel free from your diagnosis and not avoid the doctor like you do your Aunt Carol?

You aren’t the average human and this isn’t the average holistic healing journey.


I can help you get the healed body you’ve been dreaming of with…
  • My obsession with the science of what your body needs to transform.

  • My muscle testing technique to pinpoint exactly what toxins are wreaking havoc in your body with a customized plan to evacuate them ASAP.

  • Strong, powerful herbal regime by one of the most innovative healers and top dogs in chronic illness.

  • My “More Than Food” healing method where we concoct your own potion to heal your health symptoms.

These are all going to help you finally feel how you’ve been wanting to…

for way too long.


Oh! And if you’re worried about failing at ANY of this…

 I’m that gal that tells you wherever you are at is ok and the bliss is in the baby steps. 

This isn’t a pass or fail. Be messy, make mistakes, aim for a C+...and still make progress.

This is going to be me accepting you, laughing with you (gonna be real here, probably crying with you), digging into the root, and taking some baby steps that will get you, 

your transformation.

I'm intrigued...more deets please!

Ready for some epic healing?!

I got you boo!

Root Cause Healing

Struggling for years with chronic symptoms, still getting zero answers from doctors, you feel like no one believes...well I believe you. I have the warmest hug waiting for you, along with an innovative, epic healing concoction to help you get your life back! FINALLY...deuces to your chronic health challenges!

I could really use a hug & get my life back!

Hello amazing human! I'm so pumped you are hear ready to be your crazy soccer mom cheerleader!


I’m Courtney Kinnett-Hooper!

phew that's a mouthfull


Obsessed with health and healing.

Celery juice lover…but also a Dorito connoisseur.

Geeking out on the science of healing bodies (especially gut health!) in my spare time.

…along with watching the Kardashians & Love Island.


Oh AND I have an abnormally accurate intuition for figuring out the actual root of your health issues and validating why your body is doing what it's doing.

more deets on Courtney

The proof is in the pudding...


"Courtney finally pointed me in the right direction…and it literally makes me want to cry. After over two years of some major health issues and some extra weight (despite the healthy eating and exercise)…I finally feel relief! My body is finally letting go of brain fog, vertigo, fatigue, constant headaches, sinus issues, and weight issues. Courtney was literally one of the best investments I've made. She's not only hilarious and crazy passionate about my own healing, but she had an incredible amount of insight into what was actually going on, deep down for me. And figuring out what was really going on...has been life changing.  My transformation after working with Courtney is literally priceless and she was not the average health coach. I hate to think about if I hadn’t gotten Courtney’s help…and the years that would go by as my body got worse and worse. I only wish I had tapped into Courtney’s insights sooner!"

- A.V.

Ready to finally stop fearing your body and feel like you again?!


Free 45 Minute Strategy Session

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